This was a HUGE fish and it made me so happy. It was after a long day of fishing and I'd given up hope. Look what the cat drug in when you least expected it.

This one is special because Jasmine is so intent on learning and I've having so much fun teaching her about fishing.

This one is great because it's the first time Kevin figured out the joy of flyfishing. We were in a downpour, but he had on the biggest fish he'd ever caught--a real New Zealand trophy.

This cracks me up. I was FREEZING to death on Strawberry and had to fish completely covered up. We were catching fish every few minutes so there wasn't a part of me that wasn't cold.

This one captures what I love most about fishing. It's just me and the great outdoors. Who cares if you catch a fish? This is Argentina, my favorite place on the planet.

Lastly, this one is great because it's such rare footage. Mom and I flyfishing. I can't get her to come very often. This was one of the few times she made the trek. Good job mom.